Wheelchair Accessible Porta Potties

ada compliant wheel chair accessible portable toilet outdoorsThe handicap or wheelchair accessible porta-potties are mobile toilets for the physically challenged. They are spacious and comfortable to allow disabled people to use restrooms comfortably. These units are, therefore, larger than the deluxe porta potties and standard porta potties. They are well equipped with accessible and a range of safety features, and therefore recommended for any event that needs to accommodate different groups of people, whether small or large.

You can, therefore, expect a solid built single unit with several additional features and privileges to suit those in wheelchairs.


The wheelchair accessible porta potty has a range of features, each targeting user safety and comfort. Take a look:


People on wheelchairs are usually vulnerable to several accidents since they only rely on select body parts. These porta potties are therefore equipped with a range of safety features. They have a flat entrance, which makes them easily accessible. The flat entrance is better than the conventional ramp since it makes entering and leaving pretty easy. This also helps users access the bathrooms quickly instead of struggling to pass their wheelchairs through the units.

There also exist safety handrails which they can use to lift themselves off the wheelchairs, eliminating the need of a handler. These handrails are of solid construction to ensure that they do not come off. Disabled users are also vulnerable to accidental falls. These mobile toilets are thus made of anti-slip materials which also increase friction between the wheels of the wheelchair and the ground. Therefore, you are never at fault when you host physically challenged guests.

The anti-slip floor liner makes these toilets easy to navigate using a wheelchair during periods of poor weather. You can, therefore, be sure that your washroom will serve your guests regardless.


The physically disabled cannot squeeze through tight spaces on their wheelchairs, and therefore, these units are spacious enough to accommodate them. They also have low toilet seats for more comfortable use. The doors are wide with minimum gracious corners for effortless mobility. Users can also get in and out easily, which is an added advantage. These portable toilets are designed at ground level, and therefore users don’t need a ramp for access.

ADA compliance

The Americans with Disability Act stipulates the laws necessary for equal public accommodation for people with disabilities. All the wheelchair-accessible portable toilets are therefore ADA compliant, having all the required standards. Users also have to confirm that these wheelchair-accessible porta potties live up to these standards. This helps you consider all the needs of a diverse crowd.


These units have an enlarged cabin with a width ranging from 60-70 inches and a depth of 75-85 inches. Height falls between 90-95 inches, which is pretty large and spacious for wheelchair users. They are, therefore around 25 square feet larger than the standard porta potties.


These wheelchairs serve events attended by people who are physically challenged. You can, therefore, contact us if you need portable toilet services if you are around Cleveland. The handicap or wheelchair